Cut Point

cutpoint 3.1.ttf
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Примечание автора

All characters are best used at large sizes. All of the small details start to show up at 300-600pt. Convert to outlines, and stretch them out as large as you like. Great detail was given to this font so that no kinks show up at larger sizes.


10 Pocket Knife icons are included in 3 stages:

Open, Retracted, Detached

The icons with Detached blades are meant to be used by designers who want to make up their own unique icon. Position the blade from the handle at the angle of your choosing.

Convert the icon to outlines, ungroup, then place the blade at the handle at any angle that is desired. Overlap the base of the blade with the top of the handle, then carefully delete the portions of the blade that should be covered up by the handle. By this method, you can open and close the blade into its handle to make a variety of different icons.


Cut-point Terms of Use
Free for personal and commercial use.

Таблица символов

Для просмотра различных таблиц символов, содержащихся в этом шрифте, пожалуйста, используйте раскрывающееся меню.
Базовая латиница - Таблица символов

Основная информация о шрифте

О авторских правах
Pallor Publishing
Шрифтовая семья
Cut Point
Шрифтовая подсемья
Уникальная подсемейная идентификация
PallorPublishing : Cutpoint : 2015
Полное имя шрифта
Cut Point
Имя настольной версии
Имя поскрипт шрифта
Cut Point
О производителе
All characters are best used at large sizes. All of the small details start to show up at 300-600pt. Convert to outlines, and stretch them out as large as you like. Great detail was given to this font so that no kinks show up at larger sizes.

10 Pocket Knife icons are included in 3 stages:

Open, Retracted, Detached

The icons with Detached blades are meant to be used by designers who want to make up their own unique icon. Position the blade from the handle at the angle of your choosing.

Convert the icon to outlines, ungroup, then place the blade at the handle at any angle that is desired. Overlap the base of the blade with the top of the handle, then carefully delete the portions of the blade that should be covered up by the handle. By this method, you can open and close the blade into its handle to make a variety of different icons.

Cut-point Terms of Use
Free for personal and commercial use.

Дополнительная информация о шрифте

Поддерживаемые платформы

ЮникодЮникод 2.0 и прогрессивная семантика, только Юникод BMP
MicrosoftТолько BMP юникод

Детали шрифта

Количество глифов98
Единиц на Em1000
Права внедренияPазрешено внедрение для предварительного просмотра и печати
Класс семействаСимвольные
НасыщенностьСредний (нормалный)
ШиринаСредний (нормальный)
Mac стильЖирные
НаправлениеГлифы направленные слева направо + нейтральные