DePixel Breit

DePixel семейство состоит из 6 шрифты
  • Ударения (частичные)
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Примечание автора

DePixel Breit font is a pixel typeface designed by Ingo Zimmermann.

Nothing more than Apples renowned system font Geneva in the bit map representation, but as a PostScript font; aliased like Geneva in 9 or 10 points, or even in resolutions that are too small, that is, under 8 points; ideal for pixely topics.

An anachronism in the digital age: While the whole world speaks of progress, the font on the monitor has only progressed into a non-pleasant-to-read conglomeration of pixels. Each object on a monitor is displayed by lining up individual pixels. These pixels are so tiny, that they are hardly perceivable. The more pixels per surface unit (that means, the higher the resolution), the more the picture perceived by the eye merges into a sharply defined unit.

DEPIXEL is based on the monitor fonts Geneva and Chicago, developed by Apple Computer. It simulates the configuration of individual pixels into letters. Thus, a font emerged which, regardless of size, can be recognized by the composition of a few individual pixels.

ILLEGIBLE DEPIXEL came about as a result of exaggerating the pixel effect. As with the other versions, it is composed of individual pixels. But here the cap height only amounts to 5 pixels and the x-height merely 4 pixels. Furthermore, this typeface shows the well-known effect from the Web of a font design which is too small and makes text appear almost illegible. ILLEGIBLE DEPIXEL is not really illegible; its forms were "destroyed" deliberately.
In comparison, a good legible alphabet must be at least 9 pixels high: 5 pixels for the mean height and 2 pixels each for the extenders. With its proportions, DEPIXEL KLEIN (small) meets these requirements.
DEPIXEL SCHMAL (thin) stretches out to 6 pixels on the main line whereas the upper and base overhang amount to 2 pixels.   
DEPIXEL BREIT (expanded) was developed by expanding the letters by one pixel. In contrast to the normal versions, the basis for further versions was Apples Chicago font. By means of doubling the width of the stems, an obviously bolder and larger font was created using the same basic pixel size.
DEPIXEL BREITFETT (wide and bold) is nothing more than the bold font expanded to double width.

Theoretically any font can be digitalized. This style of reduction to the smallest element of an engineered font charms with its apparent contradiction of the most exact vector drawing technically possible and the primitive construction from building blocks.

Таблица символов

Для просмотра различных таблиц символов, содержащихся в этом шрифте, пожалуйста, используйте раскрывающееся меню.
Базовая латиница - Таблица символов

Основная информация о шрифте

О авторских правах
Copyright (c) 2008 by \(c\) Ingo Zimmermann . ingoFont Augsburg. All rights reserved.
Шрифтовая семья
Шрифтовая подсемья
Уникальная подсемейная идентификация
\(c\)IngoZimmermann.ingoFontAugsburg: DePixel Breit: 2008
Полное имя шрифта
DePixel Breit
Имя настольной версии
Version 1.001
Имя поскрипт шрифта
О торговой марке
DePixel Breit is a trademark of \(c\) Ingo Zimmermann . ingoFont Augsburg.
О производителе
Copyright (c) 2008 by \(c\) Ingo Zimmermann . ingoFont Augsburg. All rights reserved.

Дополнительная информация о шрифте

Поддерживаемые платформы

ЮникодЮникод 2.0 и прогрессивная семантика, только Юникод BMP
MicrosoftТолько BMP юникод

Детали шрифта

Количество глифов196
Единиц на Em1000
Права внедренияBнедрение для стационарной установки
Класс семействаНе квалифицированный
Mac стильЖирные
НаправлениеГлифы направленные слева направо + нейтральные
ВысотаНе моноширинный
Пакет содержит 6 нижеуказанных шрифта(ов):
DePixel Bold IngoFontsВеб-сайт TrueTypeБесплатная
  • Ударения (частичные)
DePixel Illegible IngoFontsВеб-сайт TrueTypeБесплатная
  • Ударения (частичные)
DePixel Schmal IngoFontsВеб-сайт TrueTypeБесплатная
  • Ударения (частичные)
DePixel Klein IngoFontsВеб-сайт TrueTypeБесплатная
  • Ударения (частичные)
DePixel BreitFett IngoFontsВеб-сайт TrueTypeБесплатная
  • Ударения (частичные)