Omantha Signature

Omantha Signature Muhamad Junaid OpenTypeДля личного пользования
  • Ударения (частичные)
  • Евро
Omantha Signature.otf
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Примечание автора

Omantha signature handwritten font is the perfect mixture of creativity and minimalism and as the name suggests it works as a stylish signature to your texts. It’s simple and easily readable with its flowing letters. Omantha signature font can be used for a variety of purposes such as social media posts, greeting cards, wedding invitations, branding projects (apparel designs, cosmetic brands), logo creations, quote designs, business cards, notebook cover designs, book titles, etc.

This font designed by MJType is available in a free version for limited personal use only.

Thanks MJType for sharing this wonderful font. Make sure to visit their site for more freebies and to check out the premium version which is highly recommended.


Before deciding to use this font for commercial purposes, it is essential to be cautious and take the time to review the terms and conditions. Remember, ignorance of the rules does not absolve you from legal obligations.

By installing or using this font, you agree to the Font Usage Agreement, which includes the following points:

1. This font is strictly intended for personal use only; using it for promotional or commercial purposes is prohibited.

2. A license is required for any promotional or commercial use.

3. The Commercial Purposes License can be obtained on my website:

4. Violating this agreement may result in a fee equivalent to 100 times the standard desktop license price.

5. For inquiries such as obtaining a quote for a specific project, please contact us at

Any donations are highly appreciated.

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Thank you

Таблица символов

Для просмотра различных таблиц символов, содержащихся в этом шрифте, пожалуйста, используйте раскрывающееся меню.
Базовая латиница - Таблица символов

Основная информация о шрифте

Шрифтовая семья
Omantha Signature
Шрифтовая подсемья
Уникальная подсемейная идентификация
Version 1.000;PYRS;Omantha Signature;2024;FL842
Полное имя шрифта
Omantha Signature
Имя настольной версии
Version 1.000
Имя поскрипт шрифта
О торговой марке

Дополнительная информация о шрифте

Поддерживаемые платформы

ЮникодЮникод 2.0 и прогрессивная семантика, только Юникод BMP
MicrosoftТолько BMP юникод

Детали шрифта

Количество глифов184
Единиц на Em1000
Права внедренияBнедрение для стационарной установки
Класс семействаРукописные
Mac стильЖирные
НаправлениеГлифы направленные слева направо + нейтральные